Mountainview Ranch

My Philosophy

Throughout a 50 plus year career of working with the horse in varying capacities, I have seen a great number of concepts, ideas and techniques utilized in the interest of "breaking" horses or trying to get them to do things that in many cases they did not understand, or were very afraid of.  Some of these things have been very good and have truly benefited the horse, however, sadly enough a great many of them have not. During the course of this continuing process I have always tried to remain open and receptive to new and sometimes different approaches to help my horses and riders find success.  I have tried to embrace the things that were successful, and have not been afraid to discard the things that I felt were not, in both cases letting my horses continually be the judge of what does and doesn't work for them.  I have clearly come to the conclusion that the horses aren't the problem; it's the things people try to do to them that create the problems! With these things being said, I would like to share a few of my ideas concerning my own approach to horsemanship.

  • I think that every horse should be as closely suited to the job that it's being asked to do as possible. As an example, the Friesian is an excellent breed, however it would not be very well suited to be an endurance horse or a grand prix jumper.

  • I think that any horse should have the opportunity to be socially integrated with other horses early in the developmental process no matter how "special" they are perceived to be, to help them understand the needfulness of working with others, be it horse or human.

  • I think that every horse should have the chance to develop properly in mind and body in an environment which allows and encourages lots of exposure and movement, and for these reasons they should not be started under saddle until they are at least 4 years of age.


  • I think that every horse needs a proper foundation of learning to be successful.  The difference between the way one would approach simply starting a horse under saddle, versus building and developing the appropriate foundation for a performance equine athlete is as uniquely different as the comparison of fixing up an old car to take to the local demolition derby versus carefully engineering an automobile to race at the Indianapolis Speedway.  Sadly enough, very few people, including a lot of "professionals", do not understand the difference much less how to accomplish it.

  • ​I think trust and understanding will always accomplish more than fear and anxiety.  My goal is to build a relationship based on trust, dignity and respect for all parties at all times.

  • I think that every answer we need from a horse is inside the horse, and that the human should spend more time listening to them.  

  • I think we need to be very conscience to never over expose the horse or rider beyond their current capabilities.

  • I think that if we continually strive to interact and communicate with the horse in a way that they find natural in their own world that we will be far more successful.

  • I think that clear expectations, clear boundaries, and a clear result of what will occur if theses are not met up to or exceeded will give clarity and comfort to any relationship.

  • I think that no matter how much you empower the horse, that if you don't empower the rider to a somewhat equal level, the relationship will seldom be successful.

"The greatness of a nation and its moral character can be judged by the way it's animals are treated"
